Friday, February 3, 2012

Golden Raisin and Apple Lattice Pie

It's those apples!  In an extensive attempt to use up 40 lbs of apples gifted to me, it only made sense (due to the amount of apples required) for an apple pie.  While we do love a good apple pie around in this house, we're used to it as a wonderful fall dessert, full of cinnamon and spice.  Instead this pie plants itself firmly in the spring camp with clean, bright flavours.  The golden raisins are a bonus in every bite, plumped up from all the apple juices they've swollen to small grape size and burst inside the mouth with a thrilling zing.  The crust on this pie is crisp and flaky, just as any pie shell should be.  Being that it is me, however, I hard trouble rolling out the dough without it being too thin.  I still don't know how!  Why would the picture in the book show an adequately thick crust, while mine was thin and sparse?  Either way it's a slice of humble apple pie worth sharing.
Baking notes:
-I did not use the specified golden delicious apples.  Instead, I used macintosh apples which are very soft, cooked or not.  I thought the results were a fantastic use of the apples.  Crispy apples will be left with just a bit of bite, but my apple pie was soft and delectable.
-The egg wash (yolk+cream) was important to the dark browning of the crust, try not to ignore.
-If you wanted, vanilla seeds might be very nice in this pie, I would add them to the apple/raisin mixture before filling the crust.


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