Saturday, July 14, 2012

Orange and Rosemary Butter Blossoms

These cookies were made with high expectations, rosemary and citrus? Fave!  Even a little bonus pepper kissed on top.  Unfortunately I was disappointed, as were my tasters.  The most telling sign was the silence afterwards, where normally my cookies get great comments.  The rosemary was lacking, the orange barely noticeable and worst of all the cookies felt dry and tough in my mouth.  It may have been my fault, this was after all a press cookie, and I don't have a cookie press.  Instead I rolled the dough into a log and chilled it.  Afterwards I sliced and baked the cookies until they were ever so slightly golden and let them cool.  I loved the idea, but wasn't happy with the results.  If you are looking for this flavour combination find another recipe, you'll be happier for it.

Baking notes:
-I made the recipe exactly as called for, except for the cutting.  As I said I don't have a cookies press and won't be buying one, so rolling and slicing was the next best option.

The recipe for Orange and Rosemary Butter Blossoms is not available online.


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